Adds decorative formatting to parts of a string or source code.

flair(x, pattern, before = NULL, after = NULL, ...)

flair_rx(x, pattern, before = NULL, after = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for with_flair
flair_rx(x, pattern, before = NULL, after = NULL, ...)

# S3 method for default
flair_rx(x, pattern, before = NULL, after = NULL, ...)

flair_quick(x, pattern, before = NULL, after = NULL, ...)

flair_all(x, ...)

# S3 method for default
flair_all(x, ...)

# S3 method for with_flair
flair_all(x, ...)

flair_args(x, ...)

flair_funs(x, ...)

flair_input_vals(x, ...)



A string or with_flair object


A pattern to match. By default, this is a fixed pattern; use flair_rx for regular expressions.


String giving specific html tags to insert before matched text.


String giving specific html tags to insert after matched text.


Formatting style options, passed to txt_style


A string with formatting wrappers.


If input is a string object, flair returns a formatted string.

If input is a with_flair object, flair returns a with_flair object with the source elements formatted.

Currently, flair is only built for html formatting.


if (FALSE) { code_string <- "foo <- mean(1:10, na.rm = TRUE)" code_string %>% flair("foo") code_string %>% flair_args() code_string %>% flair_funs(color = "red") }